All profits from Share4All are contributed to a pre-school in Malawi which provides an early learning environment to hundreds of children every year. The teachers make the lessons fun with learning through play, song, games and dance. The pre-schools are such a happy place to be and we are happy to see the positive impact it has on many young lives.
Austin is five-yearsold he lives with his Nana and five siblings. His favourite colour is red. His favourite toy is a ball and he loves any games with a ball. He was awake before the sun came up today and bathed before walking to preschool with his friends.
Memory is five-years-old. She lives near pre-school with her mum and dad and has six siblings. She was up before sunrise and after bathing and having a cup of tea for breakfast she swept the floor before walking to preschool. She loves playing football with friends. Her favourite toy is the swing set at pre-school.
Irene is eight-years-old. She still attends pre-school because of development delay due to seizures. She lives with her mum and dad and has five siblings. Irene loves to sing and dance and play hide and seek. Her favourite colour is blue. Before preschool she helped collect water from the well. She then helped walk younger children to pre-school. She loves to help cook Nsima.
Dyna is four-years-old. She has four siblings. She walks 30 minutes to preschool. Before coming to school today she helped sweep outside. Her favourite toy is the dolls at pre-school. She likes running around with friends and being tickled. Her favourite colour is green. She loves having tea and sweet potato at pre-school.
Moses is six-year-old. He will start school at Mwaya primary in September. He’s very active and loves running around. His favourite toy at pre-school is the puppets but at home he loves his milk carton car. Moses loves learning about numbers and letters at pre-school. His favourite colour is blue.